
  • 版本 :2022.1 及更高版本

Tableau 会定期发布新版本的 Tableau Desktop 和 Tableau Prep Builder。要利用新功能以及其他改进和增强功能,请升级到最新版本。

注意:使用 Tableau 发布导航器在 Tableau 桌面版、服务器版和 Prep 版中搜索功能,或者在将当前版本的 Tableau 与更高版本进行比较时查看完整的功能列表。


  1. 客户门户(链接在新窗口中打开)页面或任何当前支持的安装程序产品下载和发行说明(链接在新窗口中打开)页。

  2. 按照中的安装说明进行操作从用户界面安装 Tableau Desktop 或 Tableau Prep Builder(链接在新窗口中打开)从用户界面安装更新的版本,或从命令行安装 Tableau Desktop 和 Tableau Prep Builder(链接在新窗口中打开)从命令行安装更新的版本。

    注意:默认情况下,Tableau Desktop 配置为自动为您安装最新的维护升级(例如 2022.1.1),除非管理员已禁用此功能。




  • 发布升级是指 Tableau 提供一系列新功能并更新产品的外观。对于 Tableau Desktop 和 Tableau Prep Builder,版本升级之间的间隔通常为几个月。对于 Tableau Desktop,最新版本的升级是从 Tableau 2021.4 升级到 Tableau 2022.1;之前的那个是从 Tableau 2021.3 到 Tableau 2021.4。对于 Tableau Prep Builder,最新的版本升级是从 Tableau Prep Builder 版本 2021.4.4 升级到 Tableau Prep Builder 版本 2022.1.1。

  • 维护升级可确保您的 Tableau Desktop 和 Tableau Prep 副本具有最新的安全修复和错误修复。维护升级之间的间隔通常为数周。Tableau 为官方仍受支持的所有版本提供维护升级。维护升级后,您看到的内容通常没有明显的变化。但是,如果打开“关于 Tableau”对话框,则可以看到该版本的最后一个数字将更新,例如,从 2021.2.1 更新到 2021.2.2。

    Tableau Desktop 和 Tableau Prep Builder 的版本号是不同的。例如:

    此外,Tableau Desktop 和 Tableau Prep Builder 的维护版本也不遵循相同的顺序。




有关在最近的版本升级中添加的新功能的信息,请参阅Tableau Desktop 中的新增功能(链接在新窗口中打开)Tableau Prep Builder 中的新增功能(链接在新窗口中打开)在 Tableau 和 Tableau Prep Builder 帮助中。有关所有 Tableau 产品的发行版中的安全问题解决方案、错误修复和其他详细信息的信息,请参阅产品下载和发行说明(链接在新窗口中打开)页。



  • 您的组织中是否有任何高级用户?如果是这样,他们应该在其他用户之前安装和测试新版本。Tableau 会对每个新版本进行全面测试,但每个环境都是独一无二的,测试驱动器从来都不是一个坏主意。

  • Does your organization also use Tableau Server? For Tableau Desktop, verify that the new version of Tableau Desktop you will be installing is compatible with your company’s current version of Tableau Server. Publishing workbooks from a newer version of Tableau Desktop to an older version of Tableau Server can be problematic. You can downgrade your workbook for compatibility, but there are limitations to that functionality. For more information about version compatibility, see Version Compatibility with Tableau Server.

  • Is your organization ready to upgrade all workbooks? After you install a release upgrade, any existing workbooks you open and then save in the newer version will be upgraded. After that, these workbooks, (as well as any new workbooks you create using the new version) can't be opened with an older version of Tableau Desktop unless you downgrade the workbook. For more information about version compatibility and downgrading workbooks, see Version Compatibility with Tableau Server

Changes to existing workbooks and data sources (Tableau Desktop only)

When you upgrade to a new release version of Tableau Desktop, bookmarks, workbooks, and data sources that you were working with (that is, that are in the local Tableau repository on your computer) are still available in the new version. For information about the Tableau repository, see Files and Folders(Link opens in a new window) in the Tableau Help. Any recent workbooks, your recent connections list and any customizations that your organization has made to the discover pane are automatically imported when you launch your new version of Tableau Desktop.

After you open and save a workbook or data source with the upgraded version of Tableau Desktop, you can no longer open it with older versions. Instead you would need to downgrade the workbook to open it.

Note: If you've been participating in the Tableau Software Beta program, you also have a beta version of the Tableau repository. The beta repository will still exist after you install the new major version, but Tableau Desktop will no longer use it. To make your beta workbooks accessible in the new release version, copy the workbooks from the beta repository to your new repository.

Changes to sample workbooks and data sources

With a release upgrade, new sample data sources and workbooks replace the old samples—unless you've modified and saved any of the sample workbooks or data sources to an alternate location. The modified workbooks and data sources are retained and the equivalent new sample workbooks or data sources are not installed. This is done on a case-by-case basis. For example, if you've modified the Sample - Superstore data source, but not any of the other sample workbooks or data sources, the installer will replace all of the other sample workbooks or data sources, but not the Sample - Superstore data source.

Install a release version upgrade on the same computer

Typically, you upgrade to the new release version number on the same computer where you were running the previous release version. You don't have to uninstall the older version before you install the new version.

You can install multiple release upgrade versions of Tableau Desktop and Tableau Prep Builder on the same computer. Upgrading a maintenance release with a newer version will overwrite the older version.

To determine whether the upgrade version will overwrite your current version, you can look at the version numbering for the product. The following examples shows whether an upgrade will overwrite the currently installed product version.

Current versionUpgrade versionOverwrite?

After you've been using the newer version for a while and have upgraded all your workbooks or flows, it's a good practice to uninstall the older version to avoid confusion and clutter.

Install a release version upgrade on a different computer

If you're installing a release version upgrade of Tableau Desktop or Tableau Prep Builder on a different computer from the one where you installed an older version, you must first deactivate the product key for Tableau Desktop or Tableau Prep Builder on the original computer. You can then use that product key to activate Tableau Desktop on the new computer. You won't be able to use the new version until you transfer the license. If you need to do this, see Move or Deactivate Product Keys .

If you're installing a release version upgrade of Tableau Desktop or Tableau Prep Builder in an environment with Tableau Online or Tableau Server where login-based license management is used, you only need to sign in to activate your new installation of Tableau Desktop or Tableau Prep Builder. You do not need to deactivate the older version. The older version, if unused, is automatically reclaimed by login-based license management. For more information, see Login-based License Management(Link opens in a new window).

Important: Tableau Prep Builder is designed to work with Tableau Desktop. It is recommended that you install Tableau Prep Builder on the same machine as Tableau Desktop.

Updates to workbook themes (Tableau Desktop only)

If you upgrade from an earlier version of Tableau and you open a workbook that uses the Default theme, your workbook will automatically pick up any updates to the theme. If your workbook is set to a theme other than Default, it will retain that setting. Conversely, you can change your workbook's theme from Default to a different, earlier theme. See Format at the Workbook Level(Link opens in a new window) in the Tableau Help for details.

Updates to custom geocoding (Tableau Desktop only)

After you upgrade, it's a good idea to refresh your custom geocoding so you can take advantage of any fixes made to the geocoding data in Tableau. See Data Blending vs. Custom Geocoding(Link opens in a new window) in the Tableau Help.

What you need to know about maintenance upgrades (Tableau Desktop only)

Your copy of Tableau Desktop can stay current with the latest features, security resolutions, and fixes through dot (maintenance) releases. By default, Tableau Desktop is configured to install dot releases for you automatically with a feature named Automatic Product Updates. When you start Tableau Desktop for the first time after a dot release becomes available, you see a prompt offering to download it after you exit Tableau Desktop. You can choose to postpone or skip the update. (The Product Update feature will not automatically install a major upgrade.)

You can also check for product updates at any time by selecting Check for Product Updates from the Help menu. If a new maintenance version is available, Tableau gives you an opportunity to download and install the latest version.

Note: Automatic Product Updates and Check for Product Updates are not available if your Administrator has turned off this feature

对现有工作簿和数据源的更改(仅限 Tableau Desktop)

使用点版本时,Tableau 存储库中的工作簿、数据源和其他文件不会发生任何更改,Tableau Desktop 中的所有内容都应与以前相同。一个例外是,Tableau 有时会在维护版本中提供新的数据源连接器。

有关任何 dot 版本中的各个安全解决方案、bug 修复和其他更改的信息,请参阅发行说明(链接在新窗口中打开)页。另一个资源是订阅和维护政策(链接在新窗口中打开),提供有关产品维护的基本信息。

如果未自动安装维护版本(仅限 Tableau Desktop)

如果您的计算机上未安装维护更新,则您的 Tableau 副本可能未针对自动更新进行配置,或者可能存在更新问题。有关详细信息,请参阅本指南疑难解答文章中的维护更新疑难解答(仅限 Tableau Desktop)部分。

您可以从 Tableau Desktop 中关闭或打开产品更新:

  • 选择“帮助”>“设置和性能”>启用自动产品更新”。
