控制 Tableau Desktop 的产品更新

  • 版本 :2022.1 及更高版本

Tableau Desktop 可以检查产品更新并自动安装它们。用户还可以使用“检查产品更新”功能显式检查产品更新。这些功能会自动启用,但是,您可以在安装过程中(在Windows上)或之后(在Windows上或在Mac上)禁用它们。

要为用户关闭 Tableau Desktop 中的产品更新功能,请修改属性值的设置。这还会关闭“检查产品更新”功能。此功能允许用户随时检查最新的 Tableau Desktop 维护更新并将其安装到其计算机。AutoUpdateAllowed



其中 2021.3 是发布版本,1 是点(维护)版本。在这种情况下,产品更新将在 2021.3.1 发布时适用,但在 2021.3 发布时不适用。


注意:当新的发布版本的 Tableau Public 或 Tableau Reader 可用时,将不再支持以前的版本。用户会自动收到通知,告知他们更新到当前版本。此外,您一次只能安装一个版本的 Tableau Public。



在安装过程中关闭产品更新(仅限 Windows)

运行 Tableau Desktop 的安装程序过程时,可以通过将属性值设置为“0”来关闭用户的自动产品更新。例如:AUTOUPDATE

  • tableauDesktop-64bit-2021-3-1.exe AUTOUPDATE="0"


您可以通过修改文件来指定产品更新提供给用户的 Tableau Desktop 维护版本。这TableauAutoUpdate.xml表格自动更新.xml(链接在新窗口中打开)文件是一个 XML 架构,其中包含更新过程用于确定要更新的产品、要更新到的版本以及在何处找到更新(即下载服务器的路径)的数据。首先,复制或创建一个新文件,然后将用户的计算机配置为指向存储文件的下载服务器。TableauAutoUpdate.xml

复制和修改 TableauAutoUpdate.xml文件

您可以从TableauAutoUpdate.xmlTableau 下载(链接在新窗口中打开)站点,对其进行修改以适合您的环境,然后将其保存到下载服务器的根目录中。

  1. 确保中列出的产品版本是您希望用户更新到的版本。TableauAutoUpdate.xml

  2. 编辑每个元素的属性以指向下载服务器上包含产品更新的文件夹。latestVersionPathversion

  3. (可选)删除任何不需要的安装程序。

创建您自己的 TableauAuupdate.xml文件

如果要创建和使用自己的 TableauAutoUpdate.xml文件,则需要完成以下步骤:

  1. 收集所需信息。

  2. 生成哈希文件

  3. 创建 TableauAutoUpdate.xml 文件

  4. 将用户计算机配置为指向文件位置。



For the entry in the XML file, you need the following:version

  • latestVersion: The version number of the update you want to install on your user's computer. This is displayed in the About Tableau dialog box. When users start Tableau Desktop, Tableau checks to find out if a new version is available.

  • latestVersionPath: The name of the folder on the download server that contains the installers. Create this folder on the server if it doesn't already exist.

    Note: The installers are downloaded to the . If the folder doesn't exist, the installers are downloaded to the folder.Downloads/TableauAutoUpdateDownloadsTEMP/TableauAutoUpdate

  • name: The Tableau Desktop version number, in the form (X.x). For example, 2020.2.release

  • releaseNotesVersion: The Tableau Desktop version number that you want users to install, in the form (X.x.x). For example, 2020.1.1. This parameter displays the correct link to the release notes.release.maintenance

You must create an element in the XML file for each product that you want to update. installer

For each product element, gather the following information:

  • hash: Generate a SHA-512 hash for the installer. This string must be correct or Tableau will not use the installer. For more information, see Generate hash files.

  • name: The name of the installer file to download.

  • size: The file size in bytes.

  • type: The predefined product type that Tableau uses to find the correct installer to download. You must use a type from the following list: , , , , , or .desktop64desktopMacreader64readerMacpublic64publicMac

Generate hash files

Use a utility such as SHA512SUM or Certutil to generate a SHA-512 hash for each installer. It is usually faster to generate a hash if you download the Tableau executable files and generate the hash locally.

Each utility works differently, so from a command prompt, enter the utility's name followed by or to display the help for the utility. -h-?

For example: sha512sum -h

Create the TableauAutoUpdate.xml file

Create your file based on the information you gathered earlier. Create one element for each version, and within the element, create one element for each product type that you want to update. Save the XML file to the root of your download server.TableauAutoUpdate.xmlversionversioninstaller

The following sample XML file updates Tableau Desktop 64-bit version to 2020.2.1. An example for updating Tableau Desktop version 9.2.1 is also included. When installing Tableau on a MacOS, use the .pkg files. If you download the .dmg files, you will need to mount the .dmg and then copy the enclosed .pkg files to use to install the product.

Note: If your version is the currently released version of Tableau Public or Tableau Reader, such as Tableau 2020.2, set . If your version is a prior version of Tableau Public or Tableau Reader, such as Tableau 9.2, set and .public_supported="true" reader_supported="true"public_supported="false"reader_supported="false

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<versions xmlns="http://www.tableau.com/schemas/InstallerVersions/V1">
    <installer name="TableauDesktop-2020-2-1.pkg" type="desktopMac" 
               size="192202277" hash=""/>
    <installer name="TableauPublicDesktop-64bit-2020-2-1.exe" type="public64" 
               size="147025920" hash=""/>
    <installer name="TableauReader-2020-2-1.pkg" type="readerMac" 
               size="190243904" hash=""/>
    <installer name="TableauPublic-2020-2-1.pkg" type="publicMac" 
               size="186465418" hash=""/>
    <installer name="TableauReader-64bit-2020-2-1.exe" type="reader64" 
               size="167346176" hash=""/>
    <installer name="TableauDesktop-64bit-2020-2-1.exe" type="desktop64" 
               size="186908672" hash=""/>
    <installer name="TableauDesktop-9-2-1.dmg" type="desktopMac" 
               size="183617138" hash=""/>
    <installer name="TableauDesktop-64bit-9-2-1.msi" type="desktop64" 
               size="177065984" hash=""/>
    <installer name="TableauDesktop-9-1-4.dmg" type="desktopMac" 
               size="183617138" hash=""/>
    <installer name="TableauDesktop-64bit-9-1-4.msi" type="desktop64" 
               size="177065984" hash=""/>

Configure user computers and the download server

After you've created the file, follow this procedure to point the user's computers to the file location:TableauAutoUpdate.xml

  1. Set the registry entry on each of your users' computers to point to your download server.server

    • Windows: Make an entry for each product and operating system type (64-bit) in your environment. The following entry is for 64-bit Tableau Desktop:

      HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Tableau\Tableau \AutoUpdate
      Server = ""

      For example:

      HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Tableau\Tableau 2020.2\AutoUpdate
      Server = "MyCompanyDownloadServer"
    • 苹果电脑:更改每个用户的设置文件以列出下载服务器。使用该命令。defaults

      defaults write com.tableau.Tableau- AutoUpdate.Server ""


      defaults write com.tableau.Tableau-2020.2 AutoUpdate.Server "MyCompanyDownloadServer"
  2. 确保在下载服务器上启用了 HTTPS。在联系下载服务器时,Tableau 始终在下载服务器名称前加上前缀。https://

  3. 保存到下载服务器的根目录。TableauAutoUpdate.xml

  4. 将 Tableau 安装程序上载到参数中指定的下载服务器位置。latestVersionPath
