
  • 版本 :2022.1 及更高版本

本主题包括在将 Tableau Server 安装到生产环境之前必须考虑的要求和建议。 如果要安装单个服务器,或者要执行最小安装以进行测试,请参阅我们的单服务器安装指南,每个人的安装指南(链接将在新窗口中打开). 如果要在分布式群集中部署 Tableau Server,除了查看本主题中所述的要求和建议外,还要查看分布式要求


以下列表描述了 Tableau Server 的生产使用、单节点安装的最低硬件建议:







  • 64 位(x64 芯片组)

  • 必须支持 SSE4.2 和 POPCNT 指令集

  • 不支持基于 ARM 的处理器

8 核、2.0 GHz 或更高

  • 64 GB(版本 2021.4.0 及更高版本)

  • 32 GB(2021.4.0 之前的版本)

50 千兆字节

如果要将 Tableau Prep Conductor 添加到 Tableau Server 安装中,我们建议您添加第二个节点,并将其专用于运行 Tableau Server Prep Conductor。此节点应至少具有 4 个核心(8 个 vCPU)和 16 GB RAM。


请联系 Tableau 获取技术指导。


  • 运行后台程序的节点,其中 4 个内核可能是可以接受的。

  • Tableau Prep Conductor 专用节点:至少 4 个内核(8 个 vCPU)和 16 GB RAM。

重要:在初始化 TSM 之前,无法检查磁盘空间要求。

  • 可用磁盘空间是在解压缩 Tableau Server 安装程序后计算的。安装程序使用大约 1 GB 的空间。您可能需要分配额外的磁盘空间,具体取决于各种因素,例如是否要使用数据提取。

  • 外部文件存储的网络附加存储空间要求:如果您计划使用外部文件存储配置 Tableau Server,则需要估计要专用于网络连接存储的存储空间量。

    估计存储大小:必须考虑发布和刷新数据提取所需的存储量。此外,还必须考虑存储库备份大小,除非您按照选项 2:单独备份存储库主题中所述专门选择单独执行存储库备份的选项。

    • 要获取存储库数据的估计值,请检查目录的大小。

    • 要获取存储库数据的确切大小,请打开备份文件并使用文件的大小。workgroup.pg_dump

    • 请考虑将发布到 Tableau Server 的数据提取数以及每个数据提取的大小。通过将多个数据提取发布到 Tableau Server,然后检查使用的磁盘空间来测试您的需求。您可以使用此磁盘空间量来帮助您确定随着时间的推移将有多少数据提取发布到 Tableau Server,以及每个现有数据提取的大小将如何增加。

    • 考虑数据提取刷新期间临时目录所需的空间。临时目录(刷新期间存储数据提取的位置)最多可能需要三倍于数据提取的最终文件大小。

    • 提取 物:

    • 存储库备份:

    • 核心计数基于“物理”核心。物理核心可以表示虚拟机 (VM) 上的实际服务器硬件或核心。为了对内核进行计数,将忽略超线程。

    • 显示的 RAM 是单节点安装建议的最低要求。例如,使用更多 RAM 时,您的安装可能会运行得更好,具体取决于活动、用户数和后台作业。

    若要查看建议的完整列表并查看最低要求,请参阅 Tableau Server 的最低硬件要求和建议

    对于 Amazon Web Services 和 Google Cloud Platform 上的公有云部署,它们的“vCPU”实际上是一个 CPU 超线程,而不是一个完整的 CPU 核心。调整云实例的大小时,您需要的 vCPU 数量是 Tableau Server CPU 核心要求的两倍(最低试用安装需要 8 个 vCPU,建议单节点安装需要 16 个 vCPU)。

    Operating system requirements

    The following 64-bit Microsoft Windows Server operating systems are supported:

    • Tableau Server 2021.3.0 and later:

      • Windows Server 2016

      • Windows Server 2019

      Earlier versions:

    Note: All nodes in a multi-node cluster must have the same type of operating system. You cannot install a multi-node instance of Tableau Server on a combination of Linux and Windows nodes.

    Installation directory

    By default, Tableau Server will install on the system drive. The drive where Windows is installed is the system drive. In most cases, the system drive is the C:\ drive. In this default case, Tableau Server will install into the following directories:

    • C:\Program Files\Tableau\Tableau Server\packages

    • C:\ProgramData\Tableau\Tableau Server

    Do not specify a symbolic link or a data directory location on a Network File System (NFS) volume.

    Non-default installation locations

    Rather than install onto the system drive, some organization install applications on a separate drive. During setup (or with automated installation), you can specify a different installation location. If you select a different installation drive or folder location during setup, then the data directory for Tableau Server will install into the same path. This means that if you install to a non-default location, the default path will not be created.C:\ProgramData\Tableau\Tableau Server

    When you install to a non-default location, you must take the following into consideration:

    • You may need to configure Run As service account permissions manually. If you do not use the predefined local account, NetworkServices, as the Run As service account, then you will need to set permissions for the account that you will be using. You must set these permissions after you install Tableau Server. See Verify Folder Permissions.

    • Log files are stored at . The path in a default installation is converted to .C:\ProgramData\Tableau\Tableau Server\data\tabsvc\logs

    • You may need to specify the same location when you upgrade to newer versions of Tableau Server. For more information on upgrading, see Upgrade Tableau Server Overview.

      Note:If you run Tableau Server on a VM, either locally, or in the cloud, be aware of the potential for complications related to licensing. This applies whether you are running Tableau Server as a standalone or in a cluster. If you are simply upgrading Tableau Server on the VM, you do not need to take any extra action related to licensing. If you plan to clone the VM to create either a new production or test environment to upgrade, you need to deactivate any Tableau Server licenses before cloning. If you do not do this, the new VM environment can end up with an untrusted license, and any attempts to upgrade will fail.

      To clone a VM, make sure the Tableau Server is unlicensed (all licenses are deactivated). After cloning the VM, activate the Tableau license on the cloned VM and proceed with the upgrade.

    • When installing a multi-node instance of Tableau Server, the installation location (path) must be the same on every node.

    Tableau Prep Conductor

    Tableau Prep Conductor is one of the process on Tableau Server. It runs a flow, checks connection credentials, and sends alerts if a flow fails. Tableau Prep Conductor leverages the scheduling and tracking functionality of Tableau Server so you can automate running flows to update the flow output instead of logging into Tableau Prep Builder to manually run individual flows as your data changes.

    Tableau Prep Conductor is licensed separately and is available through the Data Management Add-on license. For more information on Tableau Prep Conductor licensing, see License the Data Management Add-on.

    We recommend you enable Tableau Prep Conductor on a dedicated node. For more information:

    Additional requirements

    Make sure that your environment also meets the following additional requirements:


    • Tableau Server must be able to resolve the hosthame to an IP address either using the domain name server (DNS) or with a local host file on the computer running Tableau Server. By default, host files are stored at .\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts

    • The hostname of the server must not change after you start Tableau Services Manager during the setup process. For example, this might happen if you use the cloud-init package to initialize a virtual machine, and you install Tableau Server on that virtual machine.

    • Hostnames that include underscores (_) are not supported by Tableau Server.

    Static IP address

    The computer where you install Tableau Server must have a static IPv4 or IPv6 address.

    Database drivers

    To connect to specific data sources, the computer where you install Tableau Server must have the correct database drivers installed. For more information, see Database Drivers.

    Available ports

    TSM and Tableau Server each require an available TCP port in order for you to access them. TSM defaults to port 8850, and the Tableau Server Gateway service defaults to port 80. We strongly recommend that you ensure that both port 8850 and 80 are not in use on your system before installing Tableau Server. If those ports are not available, the TSM and gateway ports may be dynamically remapped to different port numbers, and there is currently no interface for displaying which port they have been remapped to.

    If you are installing Tableau Server on a computer that's also running IIS (not a recommended deployment), you should modify the Tableau's gateway port number to avoid conflict with IIS. You can specify a different gateway port number during the setup process.

    See Tableau Services Manager Ports.

    Local firewall configuration

    If you are running a firewall on the computer where you will be installing Tableau Server, then you will need to open the following default ports for Tableau Server traffic. All port numbers, except 443 can be changed.

    港口TCP/UDP由 ...安装类型


    443断续器搜不停。当针对 SSL 配置 Tableau Server 时,应用程序服务器会将请求重定向到此端口。不要更改此端口。X
    8850断续器Tableau Services Manager.X
    8060断续器PostgreSQL 数据库。X
    8061断续器PostgreSQL 备份验证端口X
    8000-9000断续器默认情况下为 Tableau 进程的动态映射保留的端口范围
    27000-27009断续器Tableau Server for License 服务使用的端口范围。此范围必须在运行许可证服务的节点上打开,并且可从其他节点访问。默认情况下,初始节点运行许可证服务。X

    请参阅 Tableau 服务管理器端口

    有关配置本地 Windows 防火墙的信息,请参阅 Microsoft 产品文档。


    用于运行安装程序的帐户必须是安装了 Tableau Server 的 Windows 计算机上的本地管理员组的成员。

    默认情况下,您还必须使用具有本地管理员权限的帐户来运行 Tableau Services Manager (TSM) Web UI 和 CLI 工具。但是,在安装 Tableau Server 之后,您可以指定用于 TSM 管理的 Windows 组。请参见配置自定义 TSM 管理组

    使用 TSM 配置依赖于操作系统级别访问的 Tableau Server 组件,例如进程、身份验证、日志文件、许可和警报。请参见 TSM 身份验证

    特定于 Tableau 的管理(如导入用户、创建站点、Web 制作等)由 Tableau Server 管理员执行。安装后,可以通过向用户分配角色来配置这些管理帐户。初始 Tableau Server 管理员帐户是在安装过程中创建的。请参阅添加管理员帐户


    如果要对数据源使用 NT 身份验证,或者计划执行 SQL Server 模拟,则要在其下运行 Tableau Server 服务的运行身份服务帐户非常有用。有关详细信息,请参阅运行身份服务帐户SQL Server 模拟



    扫描 Tableau Server 使用的目录的防病毒软件可能会干扰 Tableau Server 的安装和持续使用。在某些情况下,这可能会导致安装失败、启动 Tableau Server 时出现问题或影响性能。如果您计划在运行 Tableau Server 的计算机上运行防病毒软件,请按照知识库(链接将在新窗口中打开).

    继续执行下一步:安装和配置 Tableau 服务器