与 Tableau Server 的版本兼容性

  • 版本 :2022.1 及更高版本

理想情况下,组织中的每个人都可以运行相同版本的 Tableau Desktop 或 Tableau Server,但这并不总是可能的。在大型组织中,不同的个人或组可能需要使用不同版本的 Tableau 产品。 本文介绍兼容性注意事项以及 Tableau Desktop 和 Tableau Server 如何协同工作。 注意:本文仅讨论仍有资格获得技术支持的 Tableau 产品。Tableau 在产品发布后 24 个月内为产品的每个版本提供技术支持。有关版本及其支持计划的列表,请参阅支持服务(链接在新窗口中打开)页面上的页面。


兼容性问题通常仅在 Tableau 产品的发布版本之间出现。例如,如果您使用的是 Tableau Desktop 2022.1,而其他人使用的是 Tableau Desktop 2021.4,或者如果您需要发布到 Tableau Server 并且它仍在运行版本 2021.1,则可能会遇到兼容性问题。

要确定您正在使用的产品版本,请在 Tableau Desktop 打开的情况下执行以下操作:


从顶部菜单中选择“帮助>关于 Tableau”。


从顶部菜单中选择 Tableau >关于 Tableau”。

将打开“关于 Tableau”对话框,并且版本号显示在对话框的顶部。版本号包括版本号和任何维护版本号(如果适用)。

发布升级是指 Tableau 提供新功能并更新产品的外观。维护升级可确保产品包括安全性和 bug 修复。Tableau Prep Builder 和 Tableau Desktop 在维护和升级版本中不遵循相同的命名约定。例如:


发布版本通常包括一系列新功能和更新。如果您尝试将更新后的工作簿或流程发布到以前版本的 Tableau Server,而这些功能不存在,则工作簿或流程将变得不兼容

维护(或点)发行版没有兼容性问题,例如,在 Tableau Desktop 版本 2021.2.1 和 Tableau Desktop 2021.2.3 或 Tableau Desktop 2020.3.2 和 Tableau Server 版本 2020.3.7 之间。

There is one exception. Tableau sometimes introduces new connector support with a maintenance release. This can introduce compatibility issues between Tableau Desktop and Tableau Server if Tableau Desktop has been upgraded but Tableau Server hasn't been.

For details about data source support by release, see the Release Notes(Link opens in a new window) page.

Compatibility between versions of Tableau Desktop

Tableau Desktop users can share workbooks—for example, by emailing them or copying them to a location on the company network. But if two users are using different versions of Tableau Desktop, sharing isn't always possible. The rule is simple:

  • A newer version of Tableau Desktop can open a workbook created with an older version.

  • An older version of Tableau Desktop can't open a workbook created with a newer version.

For example, suppose Amanda creates a Tableau workbook with version 2021.3 of Tableau Desktop and sends it to Zachary, who has version 2022.1 of Tableau Desktop. Zachary will be able to open that workbook, but he'll see this warning message:

The workbook will be upgraded when it is saved. The upgraded file can't be read by earlier versions of the application.

If Zachary edits and saves the workbook and sends it back to Amanda, he will need to downgrade the workbook first so that she can open it. If not, the load will fail when Amanda tries to open it in Tableau Desktop version 2021.3, because the workbook is now a 2022.1 workbook.

For more information about downgrading your workbook between Tableau Desktop versions, see Downgrade your workbook in this article.

Working with Tableau extracts

The same logic applies to Tableau extracts. A newer version of Tableau Desktop can open an extract created with an older version but an older version of Tableau Desktop can't open an extract created with a newer version.

However if you create a .tde extract in an older version and open the workbook in Tableau Desktop 10.5 and later and refresh (full or incremental) or append to the extract, it will be converted to the .hyper format and the workbook will become incompatible with older versions of Tableau.

Note: Starting in version 2020.3, Tableau Data Extract (.tde) files are no longer supported and should be converted to a .hyper format.

For more information about the .hyper extract format, see Extract Upgrade to .hyper Format(Link opens in a new window). For more information about how to downgrade your workbooks to prior versions, see Downgrade your workbook in this article.

Compatibility between Tableau Desktop and Tableau Server

A workbook created with any version of Tableau Desktop can connect to any supported version of Tableau Server. But once you are connected, compatibility can be an issue depending on the version you are using and the action you're performing.

Publishing from Tableau Desktop to Tableau Server

You can publish workbooks and data sources to Tableau Server if the version of Tableau Server is the same or newer than the version of Tableau Desktop. For example, you can publish workbooks and data sources from Tableau Desktop 2021.2 to Tableau Server 2021.2, Tableau Server 2021.3, or Tableau Server 2021.4.

But if Tableau Server is running an earlier versions than Tableau Desktop, you will be prompted to downgrade the workbook before you can publish it to Tableau Server. For example, you can downgrade a workbook created on Tableau Desktop version 2022.1 to publish it to Tableau Server version 2021.3. For more information about how to downgrade your workbook, see Downgrade your workbook in this article.

Downloading workbooks from Tableau Server

A workbook downloaded from Tableau Server has the same version as the version of Tableau where it was last edited. For example, suppose Amanda is running Tableau Desktop 2021.2 and publishes a workbook to Tableau Server 2021.3. If Zachary is also running Tableau Desktop 2021.2, he can connect to Tableau Server, download the workbook, and open it.

However, there are some scenarios where compatibility issues can arise:

  • If someone else edits and saves the workbook on the server, the workbook is updated to that version of Tableau Server.

  • If someone downloads the workbook from Tableau Server to a newer version of Tableau Desktop and edits, saves, and publishes it, the workbook is updated to the newer version of Tableau Desktop.

For example, suppose Elizabeth publishes a workbook from Tableau Desktop 2021.2 to Tableau Server 2021.3. Ted downloads the workbook from Tableau Server to Tableau Desktop 2021.3. He edits and republishes the workbook back to the server. The workbook is now updated to the newer version. Zachary and Elizabeth, who are both using Tableau Desktop 2021.2 can download the workbook but can't open it because the workbook has been updated to Tableau version 2021.3.

Connecting to published extracts

Extracts that use a .tde file format are automatically upgraded to the .hyper format when they are refreshed (full or incremental) or appended to. For more information about the .hyper extract format, see Extract Upgrade to .hyper Format(Link opens in a new window).

For previous versions of Tableau Server, any published workbook or data source with an extract created in Tableau Desktop retains its original version when it's refreshed or appended to on Tableau Server.

Connecting to Tableau Server-based data sources

Workbooks in Tableau Desktop can use data sources that have been published to later versions of Tableau Server. However, if you connect to a data source that uses features that aren't in that earlier version of Tableau Desktop, those fields are unavailable.

Workbooks created in Tableau Desktop can always use data sources from an earlier version of Tableau Server. For example, a Tableau Desktop 2022.1 workbook can use data sources from Tableau Server 2021.1.

Downgrade your workbook

If you need to publish your workbook to an earlier version of Tableau Server or share your workbook with someone using an earlier version of Tableau Desktop, you can downgrade your workbook to a previous version. The downgraded workbook can be opened in the selected version and later.

Tableau only supports downloading product versions for 24 months after release. Versions older than 24 months have reached their End of Life and are no longer provided.

Export workbook to previous version

You can export your workbook to a different version of Tableau using File > Export As Version in Tableau Desktop, or select Download > Tableau Workbook in the toolbar of a workbook in Tableau Online or Tableau Server. For more information, see Export Views and Workbooks.

Downgrade workbook for Tableau Server

If you are using a newer version of Tableau Desktop and an older version of Tableau Server, you can downgrade the workbook to the older Tableau Server version during publishing.

When you publish the workbook, you will see a warning message that tells you that the workbook will be downgraded.
