Tableau Server 或 Tableau Online
- 版本 :2022.1 及更高版本
您可以使用 Tableau Server 或 Tableau Online 从 Tableau Desktop 或 Web 浏览器连接到数据。每个过程略有不同。
从 2019.3 开始,Tableau 目录在 Tableau Server 和 Tableau Online 的数据管理加载项中提供。在您的环境中启用 Tableau Catalog 后,除了从 Tableau Server 或 Tableau Online 连接到已发布的数据源之外,您还可以从 Tableau Desktop 上的“搜索数据”结果连接到数据库和表。有关 Tableau Catalog 的详细信息,请参阅 Tableau Server 或 Tableau Online Help 中的“关于 Tableau Catalog”。从 2021.4 开始,数据管理附加组件包括虚拟连接,即数据的中央访问点。有关详细信息,请参阅Tableau Server或Tableau Online帮助。
Tableau Prep Builder 可以连接到已发布的数据源,从版本 2019.3.1 开始,您可以将它们用作流程的输入数据源。如果您启用了启用了 Tableau 目录的数据管理加载项(从版本 2020.2.2 开始),则还可以从“搜索数据”结果连接到数据库和表,就像 Tableau Desktop 一样。有关详细信息,请参阅连接到已发布的数据源在 Tableau 准备构建器帮助中。
从 Tableau Desktop 进行连接
注意:从 2019.3 开始,在“连接”窗格上,Tableau Server 已移至“搜索数据”下的窗格顶部。选择此选项可从 Tableau Desktop 连接到 Tableau Server 或 Tableau Online。
启动 Tableau Desktop,然后在“连接”窗格的“搜索数据”下,选择“Tableau Server”。
若要连接到 Tableau Server,请输入服务器的名称,然后选择“连接”。
要连接到 Tableau Online,请在“快速连接”下选择 Tableau Online。
提示:如果您不注销,Tableau Desktop 会保存您的服务器连接,因此您可以跳过步骤 3。如果在 Tableau Server 上启用了 Kerberos,并且您的计算机具有有效的凭据,您也可以跳过它。有关详细信息,请参阅自动使 Tableau Desktop 连接到 Tableau Server 或 Online。
对于 Tableau Server,请输入您的用户名和密码。
对于 Tableau Online,请输入您的电子邮件地址和密码。
In addition to connecting to data sources, when you have the Data Management Add-on, you can connect to data using a virtual connection. When Tableau Catalog is enabled you can also connect to databases, files, and tables.
Note: From the Search for Data results, you can make a connection with a subset of the data connectors that Tableau Desktop supports. If a data source, database, file, or table is grayed out, you can't connect from Tableau Server or Tableau Online. You can, however, connect from the Tableau Desktop Connect pane, if you have the correct permissions.
You can filter assets by several options including Tag, Data Quality Warning, Certified, and more.
You can select from Data Sources, Virtual Connections, Databases and Files, or Tables to search for data.
After you select the data you want to connect to, click Connect.
Select the sheet tab to start your analysis.
Data sources published to Tableau Server or Tableau Online are shown in the Data pane with a Tableau icon.
You might want to download a local copy of the data source so that you can, for example, work offline or make changes to a data source without modifying the original. To download a local copy, on the Data menu, select the data source, and then select Create Local Copy. A duplicate of the data source is added to the Data pane.
Sign in on a Mac
If you use Tableau Desktop on a Mac, when you enter the server name to connect, use a fully qualified domain name, such as mydb.test.ourdomain.lan, instead of a relative domain name, such as mydb or mydb.test.
Alternatively, you can add the domain to the list of Search Domains for the Mac computer so that when you connect, you need to provide only the server name. To update the list of Search Domains, go to System Preferences > Network > Advanced, and then open the DNS tab.
Connect to published data sources while web authoring
Tableau Desktop users who create and customize data connections for Tableau use can publish their data sources to Tableau Server or Tableau Online. Publishing enables sharing data among colleagues, including those who don't use Tableau Desktop, but have permission to edit workbooks in the web editing environment.
If you have permission to edit workbooks in a browser, follow these steps to connect to published data sources when you’re signed in to Tableau Server or Tableau Online. For more information see Edit Tableau Views on the Web and Using Tableau on the Web.
Note: To connect to data, you need permission to create and edit views.
Add more data to an existing view
On a Tableau Server or Tableau Online site, select a view to edit.
In editing mode, click the New Data Source icon
在您的环境中启用 Tableau Catalog 后,您可以从“内容类型”下拉列表中选择“数据源”、“数据库和文件”或“表”。然后选择要连接到的数据,然后单击“连接”。
在 Tableau Server 或 Tableau Online 站点上,导航到“浏览”页,然后从下拉列表中选择“所有数据源”。
有关在 Web 上创作时连接到数据的信息,请参阅创建者:连接到 Web 上的数据。