Lift a chestnut! Tableau Tips (122): Rounded Bar Chart of Innovation Braz

published: 2021-08-10

Many data is very interested in rounded strips (as shown below).

Today, we share the implementation of the round corner bar chart, and take a look!

The Tableau tricks we want to share with you this issue are: Innovative roll strips.

For easy learning, chestnuts use Tableau to own supermarket data sources. After mastering the chestnut method, the data powder can try to use other data sources.

Specific steps are as follows:

1. Open Tableau Desktop, Connect Example - Supermarket Data Source.

2. Create a calculation field: Auxiliary calculation field, the function is as follows:


3. Drag and drop the metric "Measure" to the column, you can see that there are many capsules on the metric card.

Drag and drop the dimension "metric name" to the filter. In the "Metrical Name" filter on the right side of the view, only "Sales" and "Assistance Fields" are checked.

Drag and drop the dimension "subcategory".

Drag the metrics to the tag tab and select the "Line" graphic expression.

Select the entire view to display and adjust the size in the tag card.

4. Drag the dimension "metric name" into the "color" of the tag card, set the color of the bar chart; then, in the toolbar, the sorting of the bar chart is selected as an reverse.

Click Tags in the tag card, in the pop-up settings window, check "Show Tag Tag".

In this way, the desired round strips are completed.

This issue of Tableau skills, have you get? Try it quickly!