Give a chestnut! Tableau Tips (49): Quickly Produce Word Cloud (Word Cloud)

published: 2021-05-23

The chart below is called a word cloud.

In the works, in order to let film investors know what kind of actors they need. The author analyzes all the actors in the data from the two dimensions of box office appeal and fan attention.

The larger the font of a person's name, the greater the appeal of his (her) box office;

The brighter the color of a person's name, the higher the attention of his (her) fans;


In fact, in the daily life of data fans, there are many application scenarios of word cloud.

For example, in the figure below, we can analyze all users. It can tell us intuitively: which user attributes are more prominent, and through the word cloud and map and bubble chart data linkage, more in-depth exploration of user composition.


So, how does Tableau implement such a word cloud? In fact, it can be easily done in only four steps!

In this issue of "Choose a Chestnut", the Tableau technique that Ada wants to share with you is: quickly make word clouds (word clouds).

To facilitate learning, we use the supermarket data provided by Tableau as an example.

*Specific steps are as follows:

01, drag the fields into rows and columns respectively

Select two fields and put them in rows and columns, for example, we put profits in columns and sales in rows.


02, drag the dimension field into the color

Drag and drop the field of any dimension into the color of the mark area, for example, drag and drop the subcategory onto the color.



03. Select the bubble chart in the smart display

Select the bubble chart in the smart display. If you do n’t see the smart display, you can press the Ctrl + 1 shortcut to open the smart display.



04. Mark the text in the filter box

Select the text in the filter box under the mark.

In this way, a simple word cloud is completed.